Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Types of Websites

As the World Wide Web becomes more popular worldwide, new businesses and individuals bring new things to our technological based lives. Websites are accessed everyday by internet surfers and web junkies. This is becoming a great new way for businesses to
1. find new clientele
2. establish a stronger relationship with current clients/customers
3. inform the WORLD of their business (unless of course the site is accessible only with a password).

Entrepreneurial websites allow for business owners to sell and promote their products online. While most merely take orders to sell, some businesses will sell products to customers via internet. These types of website usually generate alot of revenue and/or keep employers, customers, shareholders, and many others involved in the company efforts to maintain the business. Customer service and technical support efforts usually take place on the businesses' websites.
Ex: www.shop.com www.gap.com www.basspro.com www.dillards.com www.walmart.com

Promotional websites give businesses, groups, and individual a voice that can go far beyond rallies, press conferences, and news releases; a website exposes their ideas to the free world. Ex: www.barackobama.com www.johnmccain.com www.hillaryclinton.com www.johnedwards.com

Informational websites allow for businesses and organizations to inform the public of their business or organization.
Ex: www.brinker.com www.brinkerdiversity.com www.naudl.org www.dallasisd.org

Social sites are growing more and more popular as more people live up to today's technological advances. These sites are used for networking, dating, friends, and even classifieds.
Ex: www.myspace.com www.facebook.com www.tagged.com www.mocospace.com
(my myspace link is www.myspace.com/azn_mex check me out!)

Businesses that benefit MOST from websites in my opinion are the ones to reach their goal. Many businesses that have websites that are formed in order to make money don't benefit from having the site if it is not making a profit; whereas a business that makes a website just to promote its service finds its website very beneficial when their business receives more clientele.

I think that all businesses should have website just to at least inform people of their service, products, and/or beliefs. The only stipulation I have on my theory is that each business make a website with a purpose and not just the (now mediocre) "get rich quick" site.

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